Our Services
The Eucharist (also called Holy Communion or the Mass) is a ritual meal, in which we draw near to Christ – head of humanity, head of the Church.
Christ himself becomes the food and drink of our common life. We become one with him, and all our brothers and sisters. The Eucharist is a humanising ritual; it helps us remember ourselves and our vocation to serve one another. As it was said anciently, it is medicine for the soul, and”the medicine of immortality.”
All the baptised may receive the Eucharist- generally from age six. Confirmation is no longer required to receive the Eucharist in the Anglican Church of Australia.
Matins is the service of Morning Prayer from the Book of the Common Prayer (1662) of the Church of England.
Evensong is the service of Evening (Twilight) Prayer from the Book of the Common Prayer (1662).