
The Sacrament of Baptism is a beautiful and profound sacrament that brings alive and expresses our desire to follow Jesus in life and in faith. At a Baptism for an infant, parents and Godparents speak for the child and promise to provide opportunities to grow in faith as part of a community of faith. Baptism needs to happen in a community of faith, and when that community is gathered. Baptism can happen during any of our regular services and incorporates some important promises and the actions of immersion in water – the Baptism; Anointing with oil – the Christening; and the welcome of our worshipping community.

Some reasons for choosing The Sacrament of Baptism:

We want to help our child become a follower of Jesus
We want our child to grow in faith as part of a Christian community
We want to learn more about being a follower of Jesus and grow in our own faith
We value the support and help of other people of faith in helping us grow our child in faith
We want our child to grow up with experience of the Christian community so they can make more informed choices and commitment when they are older.

How can I contact to arrange a Baptism?

There are a couple of easy ways to register:

Fill out the Inquiry Form below
Call Reverend Quinn Humphreys 0403 531 538
Email Reverend Quinn Humphreys

Baptism application form .docx
Baptism application form PDF