The Theology of Rowan Williams

Acclaimed theologian Ben Myers speaks on the theology of the former Archbishop of Canterbury.  Wine and cheese night from 6.30pm.

John Macquarrie on spirituality

The sometime Professor of Divinity at Oxford reflects on the importance of spirituality for the contemporary person, and some Anglican ways of prayer and adoration.

Christmas Carols

Church of the Annunciation 101 Watson Street, Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia

Carols on the rocks.  Come and sing some old favourites!

Joel Woods on Guitar and Mandolin

Church of the Annunciation 101 Watson Street, Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia

Joel Woods plays classics of guitar and mandolin by Bach, Albeniz, and Tarrega - among others. $20 suggested donation.

Christmas Carols 2022

Church of the Annunciation 101 Watson Street, Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia

Come along and sing all the old favourites!