Maundy Thursday

Church of the Annunciation 101 Watson Street, Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia

Commemorate Jesus' farewell to his disciples before his death - in which he washes the disciples' feet and gives a new commandment 'to love one another.'  

Good Friday

Church of the Annunciation 101 Watson Street, Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia

Commemorate Jesus' martyrdom on the cross - his bearing the sin and grief of the world.

Easter Sunday

Celebrate Jesus' resurrection from death - in which he shines with the brightness of the sky and like the stars, forever and ever.

Matins for Ascension Day

Church of the Annunciation 101 Watson Street, Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia

Commemorate Jesus' withdrawal into hiddenness

Whitsunday or Pentecost Sunday

Church of the Annunciation 101 Watson Street, Camp Hill, Queensland, Australia

Celebrate the first disciples' ecstatic perception of the presence of God among them - and their unity one with another.